Instructor, Department of Psychology


Office: H-Z34B
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Ali Can Gök received his B.S. degree in psychology, M.S. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Middle East Technical University. He has a EUROPSY certificate in clinical/health psychology.

Research Interests

Early maladaptive schemas, Schema therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Psychotherapy Supervision, Therapeutic relationship, Parallel process, Within-person reliability, Change Processes, Schizophrenia.


Gök, A. C. (2015). Psikoterapi Süpervizyonunda Paralel Süreç: Bir Vaka Çalışması. AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 2(2), 39-50.

Gök, A. C., Selçuk, E., & Gençöz, T. (in press). Olumlu ve Olumsuz Duygulanımın Tekrarlanan Ölçümlerde Kişi-içi Güvenirliği. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi.

Karancı, A. N., Gök, A. C., Yıldırım, B., & Borhan, N. (2017). Social support perceptions of Turkish people with schizophrenia: What helps and what doesn’t help. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0020764017726931

Conference Presentations

Gök, A.C. (2018, Nisan). Öfke, Agresyon ve Pasif Agresyon. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Psikoloji Kongresi: Deneyim Oluşturma ve Aktarımı IV’de Panel, Ankara, Türkiye.

Erdi, S., & Gök, A.C., (2016, Nisan). İlk Görüşme. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Psikoloji Kongresi: Deneyim Oluşturma ve Aktarımı III’de Çalışma Grubu, Ankara, Türkiye.

Gök, A.C. (2015, July). Parallel Process in Psychotherapy Supervision. Poster presentation presented at 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.

Gök, A.C., & Gençöz, T. (2014, July). Associated Factors of Psychopathological Symptoms: Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas, Schema Coping Processes and Parenting. Oral presentation presented at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Gök, A.C., & Gençöz, T. (2013, July). The Role of Schema Coping Processes between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Psychopathology. Poster session presented at 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Gök, A.C., & Gençöz, T. (2013, July). Do romantic relationships have a protective value. Oral presentation presented at 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.