• Urgen, B., Topac, Y., Ustun, F., Demirayak, P., Oguz, K., Kansu, T., Saygi, S., Ozcelik, T., Boyaci, H., Doerschner, K. (2018). "Homozygous LAMC3 mutation links to structural and functional changes in visual attention networks", NeuroImage (in press)

  • Schmid, A. D. K. (2018). "Shatter and splatter: The contribution of mechanical and optical properties to the perception of soft and hard breaking materials", Journal of Vision, v.18(1) p.1-32

  • Al-Shawaf, L., Lewis, D., Buss, D. (2018). "Why are women more easily disgusted than men? ", Emotion Review, v.10(2) p.149-160.

  • 2017

  • Sznycer, D., Al-Shawaf, L., Bereby-Meyer, Y., Curry, O., De Smet, D., Ermer, E., Kim, S., Kim, S., Li, N., Lopez Seal, M., McClung, J., Ohtsubo, Y., Quillien, T., Schaub, M., Sell, A. (2017). "Cross-cultural regularities in the cognitive architecture of pride", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v.114(8) p.1874–1879

  • Lewis, D., Al-Shawaf, L., Conroy-Beam, D., Asao, K., Buss, D. (2017). "Evolutionary Psychology: A How-To Guide", American Psychologist, v.72(4) p.353-373

  • Toulopoulou, T., Picchioni, M., Mortensen, P. B., Petersen, L. (2017). "IQ, the Urban Environment, and Their Impact on Future Schizophrenia Risk in Men", Schizophrenia Bulletin p.sbw147

  • Tartaglia, E., Clarke, A., Herzog, M. (2017). "What to choose next? A paradigm for testing human sequential decision making", Frontiers in Psychology | Decision Neuroscience, v.8 p.312

  • Dövencioglu, D., Ben-Shahar, O., Barla, P., Doerschner, K. (2017). "Specular motion and 3D shape estimation", , v.17(6) p.1-15.

  • Toscani, M., Gegenfurtner, K., Doerschner, K. (2017). "Differences in illumination estimation in #thedress", Journal of Vision, v.17(1) p.1-14.

  • 2016

  • Agaoglu, M., Clarke, A., Herzog, M., Öğmen, H. (2016). "Motion-based nearest vector metric for reference frame selection in the perception of motion", Journal of Vision, v.16(7) p.1-16

  • Manassi, M., Lonchampt, S., Clarke, A., Herzog, M. (2016). "What crowding can tell us about object representations", Journal of Vision, v.16(35) (1-13)

  • Lewis, D., Al-Shawaf, L., Janiak, M., Akunebu, S. (2016). "Integrating molecular genetics and evolutionary psychology: Sexual jealousy and the androgen receptor (AR) gene", Personality and Individual Differences

  • Al-Shawaf, L. (2016). "The evolutionary psychology of hunger", Appetite, v.105 p.591-595

  • Andrea, J., Picchionib, M., Zhanga, R., Toulopoulou, T. (2016). "Working memory circuit as a function of increasing age in healthy adolescence: A systematic review and meta-analyses", Schizophrenia Bulletin , v.12 p.940-948

  • Blokland, G., Mesholam-Gately, R., Toulopoulou, T., del Re, E., Lam, M., DeLisi, L., Donohoe, G., Walters, J., Seidman, L., Petryshen, T., Consortium, G. (2016). "Heritability of Neuropsychological Measures in Schizophrenia and Nonpsychiatric Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis", Schizophrenia Bulletin p.sbw146

  • Zhang, R., Picchioni, M., Allen, P., Toulopoulou, T. (2016). "Working Memory in Unaffected Relatives of Patients with Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies", Schizophrenia bulletin p.sbv221

  • Budisavljevic, S., Kawadler, J., Dell'Acqua, F., Rijsdijk, F., Kane, F., Picchioni, M., McGuire, P., Toulopoulou, T., Georgiades, A., Kalidindi, S., Kravariti, E. (2016). "Heritability of the limbic networks", Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, v.11(5) p.746-757

  • Winifred, M., Toulopoulou, T. (2016). "Psychometric properties of “Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences”: review and meta-analyses.", Schizophrenia Bulletin, v.42(1) p.34-44.

  • Mark, W., Toulopoulou, T. (2016). "Cognitive intermediate phenotype and genetic risk for psychosis", Current Opinion in Neurobiology, v.36 p.23–30

  • Günaydin, G., Selcuk, E., Zayas, V. (2016). "Impressions Based on a Portrait Predict, 1-Month Later, Impressions Following a Live Interaction", Social Psychological and Personality Science, v.8(1) p.36-44

  • Allen, J., Bickhard, M. (2016). "Stepping back: reflections on a pedagogical demonstration of reflective abstraction", Human Development, v.58(4-5) p.245-252

  • Allen, J., Ilgaz, H. (2016). "Through the looking glass: Children’s journey to (re)construct culture through imitation", Istanbul: Koç University Press

  • Allen, J., Bickhard, M. (2016). "Emergence, action, and representation", IEEE: The Newsletter of the Technical Committee on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, v.13(1) p.15-16

  • Pamir, Z., Boyacı, H. (2016). "Context-dependent Brightness Affects Perceived Contrast at Threshold and Suprathreshold Levels", Journal of Vision, v.16(12) p.821.

  • Pamir, Z., Boyaci, H. (2016). "Context-dependent lightness affects perceived contrast", Vision research, v.124 p.24-33.

  • Turkozer, H., Pamir, Z., Boyaci, H. (2016). "Contrast affects fMRI activity in middle temporal cortex related to center–surround interaction in motion perception", Frontiers in psychology, v.7 p.454.

  • Al-Shawaf, L. (2016). "Could there be a male commitment skepticism bias and a female sexual overperception bias? Novel hypotheses based on Error Management Theory", Evolutionary Psychological Science, v.2(3) p.237-240

  • 2015

  • Clarke, A., Öğmen, H., Herzog, M. (2015). "A computational model for reference-frame synthesis with applications to motion perception", Vision Research p.1-12

  • Clarke, A., Friedrich, J., Tartaglia, E., Marchesotti, S., Senn, W., Herzog, M. (2015). "Human and Machine Learning in Non-Markovian Decision Making", PLoS ONE , v.10(4) p.e0123105

  • Allen, J. (2015). "How to help: Can more active behavioral measures help transcend the infant false-belief debate?", New Ideas in Psychology, v.39 p.63-72

  • Al-Shawaf, L., Conroy-Beam, D., Asao, K., Buss, D. (2015). "Human emotions: An evolutionary psychological perspective", Emotion Review p.1754073914565518

  • Dövencioğlu, D., Wijntjes, M., Ben-Shahar, O., Doerschner, K. (2015). "Effects of surface reflectance on local second order shape estimation in dynamic scenes", Vision research, v.115 p.218-230.

  • Kam, T., Mannion, D., Lee, S., Doerschner, K., Kersten, D. (2015). "Human visual cortical responses to specular and matte motion flows", Frontiers in human neuroscience, v.9 p.579.

  • Al-Shawaf, L., Lewis, D., Alley, T., Buss, D. (2015). "Mating strategy, disgust, and food neophobia", Appetite, v.85 p.30–35

  • Lewis, D., Al-Shawaf, L., Yilmaz, C. (2015). "The Openness-calibration hypothesis", Personality and Individual Differences, v.81 p.53–60

  • Lewis, D., Russell, E., Al-Shawaf, L., Buss, D. (2015). "Lumbar curvature: a previously undiscovered standard of attractiveness", Evolution and Human Behavior, v.36(5) p.345-350

  • 2014

  • Nicolopoulou, A., Ilgaz, H. (2014). " What do we know about pretend play and narrative development? ", American Journal of Play, v.6(1) p.55-81

  • Allen, J. W. P., Bennett, D. S., Carmody, D. P., Wang, Y., & Lewis, M. (2014). "Adolescent risk-taking as a function of prenatal cocaine exposure and biological sex.", Neurotoxicology and Teratology, v.41 p.65-70

  • Nicolopoulou, A., Cates, C. B., de Sa, A. B., & Ilgaz, H. (2014). "Narrative performance, peer group culture, and narrative development in a preschool. In Peer Talk and Child Language. ", Children’s Peer Talk: Learning from Each Other

  • Oades-Sese, G. V., Cohen, D., Allen, J. W. P., & Lewis, M. (2014). "Building Resilience in Young Children the Sesame Street Way.", In S. Prince-Embury and D.H. Saklofske (eds.): Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations. Springer New York.

  • Besken, M., Mulligan, N. (2014). "Perceptual fluency, auditory generation, and metamemory: A crossed double dissociation between memory and metamemory in the auditory modality", The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, v.40 p.429-40

  • Arslan-Ergul, A., Adams, M. (2014). "Gene Expression Changes In Aging Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Brains Across Lifespan", BMC Neuroscience, v.15 p.29

  • Herzog, M., Clarke, A. (2014). "Why vision is not both hierarchical and feedforward", Front. Comput. Neurosci, v.8(00135)

  • Clarke, A., Herzog, M., Francis, G. (2014). "Visual crowding illustrates the inadequacy of local vs. global and feedforward vs. feedback distinctions in modeling visual perception", Frontiers in Psychology, v.5(01193)

  • Cappe, C., Clarke, A., Mohr, C., Herzog, M. (2014). "Is there a common factor for vision?", Journal of Vision, v.14(4) p.1-11

  • Clarke, A., Grzeczkowski, L., Mast, F., Gauthier, I., Herzog, M. (2014). "Deleterious effects of roving on learned tasks", Vision Research, v.99 p.88-92

  • Yilmaz, O., Doerschner, K. (2014). "Detection and localization of specular surfaces using image motion cues", Machine vision and applications, v.25 p.1333-1349

  • 2013

  • Besken, M., & Mulligan, N. (2013). "Easily perceived, easily learned? Perceptual interference produces a double dissociation between metamemory and memory performance. ", Memory & Cognition, v.41 p.897-903

  • Susser, J., Mulligan, N., & Besken, M. (2013). "The effects of list composition and perceptual fluency on judgments of learning (JOLs)", Memory & Cognition, v.41 p.1000-1011

  • Günaydin, G., Selcuk, E., Hazan, C. (2013). "Finding the one: A process model of human mate selection", New York: In C. Hazan & M. Campa (Eds.), Human Bonding. New York: Guilford

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2013). "Stepping off the pendulum: Why only an action-based approach can transcend the nativist-empiricist debate.", Cognitive Development, v.28 p.96-133

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2013). "The pendulum still swings.", Cognitive Development, v.28 p.164-174

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2013). "Beyond principles and programs: An action-based framework for modeling development.", Human Development, v.56 p.171-177

  • Doerschner, K., Yilmaz, O., Kucukoglu, G., Fleming, R. (2013). "Effects of surface reflectance and 3D shape on perceived rotation axis", Journal of Vision, v.13(11) p.1-23.

  • Oguz, K., Sanverdi, E., Has, A., Temucin, C., Turk, S., Doerschner, K. (2013). "Tract-based spatial statistics of diffusion tensor imaging in hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum reveals widespread white matter changes", Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, v.19(3) p.181-186

  • Oguz, K., Haliloglu, G., Temucin, C., Gocmen, R., Has, A., Doerschner, K., Dolgun, A., Alikasifoglu, M. (2013). "Assessment of whole-brain white matter by DTI in autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay", American Journal of Neuroradiology

  • D.P. Molina, O. J. J. a. (2013). "Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I alter hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission in young and old rats", Age, v.35 p.1575-1587

  • I. Aktoprak, P. G. a. (2013). "Novel Object Recognition Is Not Affected By Age Despite Age-Related Brain Changes", World Journal of Neuroscience, v.3 p.269-274

  • A. Arslan-Ergul, A. a. (2013). "Aging, neurogenesis, and caloric restriction in different model organisms", Aging and Disease, v.4 p.221-232

  • Clarke, A., Repnow, M., Öğmen, H., Herzog, M. (2013). "Does spatio-temporal filtering account for nonretinotopic motion perception? Comment on Pooresmaeili, Cicchini, Morrone, and Burr (2012)", Journal of Vision, v.13(10) p.1-14

  • 2012

  • Ilgaz, H. K. (2012). "Commentary on “Language and age effects in children’s processing of word order” by A. Candan, A. Kuntay, Y. Yeh, H. Cheng, L. Wagner, and L.R. Naigles. ", Cognitive Development, v.27 p.222-226

  • Selcuk, E., Zayas, V., Günaydin, G., Hazan, C., Kross, E. (2012). "Mental representations of attachment figures facilitate emotional recovery following upsetting autobiographical memory recall", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v.103 p.362-378

  • Günaydin, G., Zayas, V., Selcuk, E., Hazan, C. (2012). "I like you but I don't know why: Objective facial resemblance to significant others influences snap judgments", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v.48 p.350-353

  • Lewis, D., Easton, J., Goetz, C., & Buss, D. (2012). "Exploitative male mating strategies: Personality, mating orientation, and relationship status. ", Personality and Individual Differences, v.52

  • Goetz, C., Easton, J., Lewis, D., & Buss, D. (2012). "Sexual exploitability: observable cues and their link to sexual attraction. ", Evolution and Human Behavior

  • D.P. Molina, O. C. W. J. J. a. (2012). "Growth hormone modulates hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission and plasticity in old rats", Neurobiology of Aging, v.33 p.1938-1949

  • Aberg, K., Clarke, A., Sandi, C., Herzog, M. (2012). "Trait anxiety and post-learning stress do not affect perceptual learning", Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, v.98(3) p.246-253

  • 2011

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2011). "Emergent constructivism.", Child Development Perspectives, v.5 p.164-165

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2011). "Normativity: A crucial kind of emergence.", Human Development, v.54 p.106-112

  • Allen, J. W. P., & Bickhard, M. H. (2011). "You can't get there from here: Foundationalism and development.", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, v.34 p.124-125

  • Lewis, D. (2011). "The sibling uncertainty hypothesis: Facial resemblance as a sibling recognition cue. ", Personality and Individual Differences

  • Sosa, Y., Clarke, A., McCourt, M. (2011). "Hemifield asymmetry in the potency of exogenous auditory and visual cues", Vision Research, v.51(11) p.1207-1215

  • Barak, T., Kwan, K., Louvi, A., Demirbilek, V., Saygı, S., Tüysüz, B., Choi, M., Boyacı, H., Doerschner, K., Zhu, Y., Kaymakçalan, H., Yılmaz, S., et, a. (2011). "Recessive LAMC3 mutations cause malformations of occipital cortical development", Nature Genetics, v.43(6) p.590.

  • Doerschner, K., Kersten, D., Schrater, P. (2011). "Rapid classification of specular and diffuse reflection from image velocities", Pattern Recognition, v.44 p.1874-1884.

  • Gulsuner, S., Tekinay, A., Doerschner, K., Boyaci, H., Bilguvar, K., Unal, H., Ors, A., Onat, O., Atalar, E., Basak, A., Topaloglu, H., Kansu, T., Tan, . (2011). "Homozygosity mapping and targeted genomic sequencing reveal the gene responsible for cerebellar hypoplasia and quadrupedal locomotion in a consanguineous kindred", Genome research, v.12 p.1995-2003.

  • Doerschner, K., Fleming, R., Yilmaz, O., Schrater, P., Hartung, B., Kersten, D. (2011). "Visual motion and the perception of surface material", Current Biology, v.21 p.2010-2016.

  • 2010

  • Mulligan, N., Besken, M., & Peterson, D. (2010). "Remember-Know and source memory instructions can qualitatively change old-new recognition accuracy: the modality-match effect in recognition memory.", The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, v.36 p.558-566

  • Besken, M., & Mulligan, N. (2010). "Context effects in auditory implicit memory", The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, v.63 p.2012-2030

  • Perilloux, C., Lewis, D., Goetz, C., Fleischman, D., Easton, J., Confer, J., al., e. (2010). "Trade-offs, individual differences, and misunderstandings about evolutionary psychology. ", American Psychologist

  • Confer, J., Easton, J., Fleischman, D., Goetz, C., Lewis, D., Perilloux, C., al., e. (2010). "Evolutionary psychology: Controversies, questions, prospects, and limitations. ", American Psychologist

  • Selcuk, E., Günaydin, G., Sümer, N., Harma, M., Salman, S., Hazan, C., Dogruyol, B., & Ozturk, A. (2010). "Self-reported romantic attachment style predicts everyday maternal caregiving behavior at home", Journal of Research in Personality, v.44 p.544-549

  • Kessler, S., Bandelli, A., Spector, P., Borman, W., Nelson, C., & Penney, L. (2010). "Reexamining Machiavelli: A three dimensional model of Machiavellianism in the workplace", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, v.40 p.1866-1896

  • Adams, M., Donohue, H., Linville, M., Iversen, E., Newton, I., & Brunso-Bechtold, J. (2010). "Age-related synapse loss in hippocampal CA3 is not reversed by caloric restriction", Neuroscience, v.171 p.373-382

  • 2009

  • Nicolopoulou, A., de Sá, A., Ilgaz, H., & Brockmeyer, C. (2009). "Using the transformative power of play to educate hearts and minds.", Mind, Culture, and Activity. Special Issue on Playworlds of Children and Adults: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Play Pedagogy, v. 17 p.42 – 58

  • Zayas, V., Tabak, J., Günaydin, G., Robertson, J. (2009). "A social-cognitive model to human behavior offers a more parsimonious account of emotional expressivity", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, v.32 p.407-408

  • Besken, M., & Gülgöz, S. (2009). "Reliance on schemas in source memory: Age differences and similarity of schemas", , v.16 p.1-21

  • Stability of local brain levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in two well-characterized models of decreased plasma IGF-I

  • Fang, F., Boyaci, H., Kersten, D. (2009). "Border ownership selectivity in human early visual cortex and its modulation by attention", Journal of Neuroscience, v.29(2) p.460-465.

  • 2008

  • Kessler, S. N. A. C. (2008). "Don’t throw the baby with the bath water: A novel way of evaluating outcomes of the Healthy Families America program", American Journal of Evaluation, v.29 p.288-39=00

  • Johnson, R. &. C. (2008). "Industrial and organizational psychology", Understanding psychology, 8th edition

  • Yildirim, M., Janssen, W., Tabori, N. A. M., Yuen, G., Akama, K., McEwen, B., Milner, T., Morrison, J. (2008). "Estrogen and aging affect synaptic distribution of phosphorylated LIM kinase (pLIMK) in CA1 region of female rat hippocampus", Neuroscience, v.152 p.360-370

  • Adams, M., Shi, L., Linville, M., Forbes, M., Long, A., Bennett, C., Newton, I., Carter, C., Sonntag, W., Riddle, D., & Brunso-Bechtold, J. (2008). "Caloric restriction and age affect synaptic protein levels in hippocampal CA3 and spatial learning ability", Experimental Neurology, v.211 p.141-149

  • Rainville, S., Clarke, A. (2008). "Distinct perceptual grouping pathways revealed by temporal carriers and envelopes", Journal of Vision, v.8 p.9

  • Fang, F., Boyaci, H., Kersten, D., Murray, S. (2008). "Attention-dependent representation of a size illusion in human V1", Current biology, v.18(21) p.1707-1712.

  • 2007

  • (2007). "The role of community in facilitating service utilization.", Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community., v.34 p.181-204

  • Horn, J. C. M. (2007). "Integrity, conscientious and honesty", Psychological Reports, v.95 p.27-38

  • Shi, L., Adams, M., Linville, C., Newton, I., Forbes, M., Long, A., Riddle, D., Brunso-Bechtold, J. (2007). "Caloric restriction eliminates the aging-related declines of NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits in the rat hippocampus and induces homeostasis", Experimental Neurology, v.206(1) p.70-79

  • Boyaci, H., Fang, F., Murray, S., Kersten, D. (2007). "Responses to lightness variations in early human visual cortex", Current Biology, v.17(11) p.989-993.

  • Boyaci, H., Fang, F., Murray, S., Kersten, D. (2007). "Responses to lightness variations in early human visual cortex", Current Biology, v.17(11) p.989-993.

  • 2006

  • McCurdy, K., Daro, D., Anisfeld, E., Katzev, A., Keim, A., LeCroy, C., McAfee, C., Nelson, C., Falconnier, L., McGuigan, W., Park, J. (2006). "Understanding maternal intentions to engage in home visiting programs", Children , v.28 p.1195-1218

  • Shi, L., Adams, M., Long, A., Carter, C., Bennett, C., Sonntag, W., Nicolle, M., Robbins, M., D'Agostino Jr, R., & Brunso-Bechtold, J. (2006). "Spatial learning and memory deficits after whole-brain irradiation are associated with changes in NMDA receptor subunits in the hippocampus", Radiation Research, v.166 p.892-899

  • Murray, S., Boyaci, H., Kersten, D. (2006). "The representation of perceived angular size in human primary visual cortex", Nature neuroscience, v.9(3) p.429

  • 2005

  • Ilgaz, H., & Aksu-Koc, A. (2005). " Episodic development in preschool children’s play-prompted and direct-elicited narratives. ", Cognitive Development, , v.20 p.526-544

  • M.M. Ramsey, M. O. W. a. (2005). "Functional characterization of des-IGF-1 action at excitatory synapses in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus", Journal of Neurophysiology, v.94 p.247-254

  • 2004

  • Nahm, W., Philpot, B., Adams, M., Badiavas, E., Zhou, L., Butmarc, J., Bear, M., & Falanga, V. (2004). "Significance of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated signaling in human keratinocytes", Journal of Cellular Physiology, v.200(2) p.309-317

  • Adams, M., Fink, S., Janssen, W., Shah, R., &Morrison, J. (2004). "Estrogen modulates synaptic NMDA receptor subunit profiles in the aged hippocampus", Journal of Comparative Neurology, v.474(3) p.419-426

  • 2003.

  • Boyaci, H., Maloney, L., Hersh, S. (2003.). "The effect of perceived surface orientation on perceived surface albedo in binocularly viewed scenes", Journal of Vision, v.3(8) p.2

  • Adams, M., & Morrison, J. (2003). "Estrogen and the aging hippocampal synapse", Cerebral Cortex, v.13 p.1271-1275

  • 2002

  • Doyon, J., Song, A., Karni, A., Lalonde, F., Adams, M., & Ungerleider, L. (2002). "Experience-dependent changes in cerebellar contributions to motor sequence learning", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), v.99(2) p.1017-1022

  • Adams, M., Fink, S., Shah, R., Janssen, W., Hayashi, S., Milner, T., McEwen, B., & Morrison, J. (2002). "Estrogen and age impact the subcellular distribution of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α) in the hippocampus of young and aged female rats", Journal of Neuroscience, v.22 p.3608-3614

  • 2001

  • Albrecht, T. C. (2001). " Teaching the Holocaust as an Interdisciplinary Course in Psychology", Teaching of Psychology, v.28 p.284-291

  • Adams, M., Smith, T., Moga, D., Gallagher, M., Wang, Y., Wolfe, B., Rapp, P., & Morrison, J. (2001). "Hippocampal dependent learning ability correlates with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels in CA3 neurons of young and aged rats", Journal of Comparative Neurology, v.432 p.230-243

  • Adams, M., Morrison, J., & Gore, A. (2001). "NMDA receptor subunit mRNA levels change during reproductive senescence in hippocampus of female rats", Experimental Neurology, v.170 p.171-179

  • Adams, M., Shah, R., Janssen, W., & Morrison, J. (2001). "Different modes of hippocampal plasticity in response to estrogen in young and aged female rats", ts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), v.98 p.8071-8076

  • Adams, M., Oung, T., Morrison, J., & Gore, A. (2001). "Length of postovariectomy interval and age, but not estrogen replacement, regulate N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor mRNA levels in the hippocampus of female rats", Experimental Neurology, v.170 p.345-356

  • Adams, M., Gazzaley, A., & Morrison, J. (2001). "Attenuated lesion-induced N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor (NMDAR) plasticity in the dentate gyrus of aged rats following perforant path lesions", Experimental Neurology, v.172 p.244–249

  • 2000

  • Adams, M., Hof, P., Gattass, R., Webster, M., Ungerleider, L. (2000). "Visual cortical projections and chemoarchitecture of macaque monkey pulvinar", Journal of Comparative Neurology, v.419 p.377-393

  • Smith, T., Adams, M., Morrison, J., Gallagher, M., Rapp, P. (2000). "Circuit-specific alterations in hippocampal synaptophysin immunoreactivity predict spatial learning impairment", Journal of Neuroscience, v.20 p.6587-6593

  • 1999

  • Carnahan, S., Nelson, C., & Gordon, T. (1999). "A Community Based Approach to Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect", Communities Working for Families

  • Adams, M., Flagg, R., Gore, A. (1999). "Perinatal changes in hypothalamic NMDA receptors and their relationship to GNRH neurons. Endocrinology", Endocrinology, v.140 p.2288-2296

  • 1998

  • Karni, A., Meyer, G., Rey-Hipolito, C., Jezzard, P., Adams, M., Turner, R., Ungerleider, L. (1998). "The acquisition of skilled motor performance: fast and slow experience-driven changes in primary motor cortex", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), v.95 p.861-868

  • 1997

  • Nelson, C., & Emener, W. (1997). "Work Organizations: Structure and organizational dynamics critical to employee assistance programs", Employee Assistance Programs: A basic text, (2nd Ed.),

  • Hof, P., Ungerleider, L., Adams, M., Webster, M., Gattass, R., Blumberg, D., Morrison, J. (1997). "Callosally-projecting neurons in the macaque monkey V1/V2 border are enriched in nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein", Visual Neuroscience, v.14 p.981-987

  • 1996

  • Hof, P., Ungerleider, L., Webster, M., Gattass, R., Adams, M., Sailstad, C., Morrison, J. (1996). "Neurofilament protein is differentially distributed in subpopulations of corticocortical projection neurons in the macaque monkey visual pathways", Journal of Comparative Neurology, v.376 p.112-127

  • 1995

  • Karni, A., Meyer, G., Jezzard, P., Adams, M., Turner, R., Ungerleider, L. (1995). "Functional MRI evidence for adult motor cortex plasticity during motor skill learning", Nature, v.377 p.155-158

  • 1991

  • Nelson, C., Brannick, M., & Sibson, S. (1991). "Undergraduate offerings in I/O psychology", The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, v.28 p.55-59

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  • Nelson, C. (1990). "Applied Psychology: A Supplementary Chapter", Harper-Collins

  • 1988

  • Nelson, C., Kurtz, A., Hacker, G. (1988). "Hurricane evacuation behavior: Lessons from Elena", Public Affairs Reporter, v.2 p.1-3

  • 1987

  • Nelson, C., Roberts, J., Maederer, C., Wertheimer, B., & Johnson, B. (1987). "The utilization of social science information by policy-makers", American Behavioral Scientist, v.30 p.569-577

  • Nelson, C. (1987). " Introduction", American Behavioral Scientist, v.30 p.566-568

  • 1985

  • Silverman, M., Smith, L., Nelson, C., & Kosberg, J. (1985). " The perception of the elderly criminal when compared to adult and juvenile offenders", The Elderly Criminal

  • Nelson, C. L. (1985). "Knowledge utilization in gerontology: The example of long term care", Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, v.5 p.17-28

  • 1984

  • Silverman, M., Smith, L., Nelson, C., & Dembo, R. (1984). "The perception of the elderly criminal when compared to adult and juvenile offenders", Journal of Applied Gerontology, v.3 p.97-104

  • 1983

  • Nelson, C. (1983). "Issues in Knowledge Utilization", Housing and the Elderly: Policy and a Place to Live

  • Bedell, J., Archer, R., & Nelson, C. (1983). "Program change in mental health: Prediction and validation of a model.", Identifying Needs and Strategies for Knowledge Transfer in Mental Health: Proceedings of the 1982 Meeting of the Network of Consultants on Knowledge Transfer

  • 1981

  • Nelson, C. (1981). "Linkage: The connecting of the information system to the decision maker--a response to Rich", Information Sciences in Action: The System Design Process

  • 1979

  • Nelson, C. (1979). "Research on dissemination and utilization: What are the regional laboratories and research and development centers doing? ", Report and Commentary on the Conference on Research on Educational Dissemination and Utilization

  • 1978

  • Nelson, C., & Silverman, M. (1978). "A multidimensional perception of crime", LAE Journal of the American Criminal Justice Association, v.41 p.45-53

  • Mason, W., & Nelson, C. (1978). "Federal funding of education R and D: R and D function by agency", Educational Researcher, v.7(12-17)

  • 1977

  • Mason, W., & Nelson, C. (1977). "A comparison of data bases describing federal funding for education R and D", Educational Researcher, v.6 p.12-16

  • 1976

  • Nelson, C. P. (1976). "Social Psychology in crisis: A citation study of the Handbook of Social Psychology (2nd Ed.), ", Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin p.14-21

  • Silverman, M., Nelson, C., & Acardi, J. (1976). "Attitudes of criminal justice professionals towards mental illness in the mentally ill. ", American Journal of Community Psychology p.207-216

  • 1974

  • Nelson, C., Greaner, J., & Hack, R. (1974). "Educational researchers react to the Educational Researcher.", Educational Researcher, v.4 p.13-15

  • Nelson, C. (1974). "Abstract and information retrieval services in educational research: Current status and planned improvement", Educational Researcher, v.3 p.16-18

  • Nelson, C. (1974). "The perceived structure of social attitudes", Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society p.449-451

  • Nelson, C. (1974). "Communications within the educational research and development community--suggested steps toward further structure and order", Educational Researcher, v.2 p.13-14

  • Nelson, C. (1974). "Studies to evaluate innovations in scientific and professional communication in psychology", JSAS Catalogue of Selected Documents in Psychology

  • 1973

  • Nelson, C., Adams, C. (1973). "Continuity of research effort and sources of scientific information by educational researchers", Educational Researcher p.13-15

  • 1972

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., Nelson, C., & Tomita, K. (1972). "Research studies in patterns of scientific communication: I. General description of research program. ", Information Storage and Retrieval p.111-122

  • Wing, H., & Nelson, C. (1972). "The perception of personality through trait sorting: A comparison of trait sampling techniques", Multivariate Behavior Research p.269-274

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., Nelson, C., & Tomita, K. (1972). "Recent studies in patterns of scientific communication: II. Role of the national meeting in scientific and technical communication.", Information Storage and Retrieval p.159-169

  • Nelson, C. (1972). "Social psychology and social science education", Social Studies: The Humanizing Process

  • Nelson, C. (1972). "The communication system surrounding archival journals in educational research", Educational Researcher p.13-16

  • Nelson, C. (1972). "Journal publication of material presented at an annual AERA meeting", Educational Researcher p.4-6

  • 1971

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., & Nelson, C. (1971). "A comparison of communication behavior of physical and social scientists", International Social Science Journal p.256-272

  • 1970

  • Garvey, W., Nelson, C., & Lin, N. (1970). "A preliminary description of scientific information exchange in educational research.", The Educational Research Community: Its Communication and Social Structure.

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., and Nelson, C. (1970). "Scientific communication in the physical and social sciences.", Science p.1166-1173

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., & Nelson, C. (1970). "Some comparisons of communication activities in the physical and social sciences.", Communication Among Scientists and Engineers

  • Lin, N., Garvey, W., & Nelson, C. (1970). "A study of the communication structure of science", Communication Among Scientists and Engineers,

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., and Nelson, C. (1970). "Publication fate of material presented at an annual American Sociological Association meeting: Two years after the meeting", American Sociologist p.22-25

  • Geis, F., Christie, R., & Nelson, C. (1970). "In search of the machiavel", Studies in Machiavellianism

  • Nelson, C., & Tomita, K. (1970). "Impact of Proceedings on the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers: A comparison of scientific information exchange at the 1967 and 1969 annual meetings", Professional Geographer p.221-226

  • Nelson, C., Garvey, W., & Lin, N. (1970). "Scientific information exchange surrounding the 1968 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.", American Educational Research Journal p.164-188

  • Garvey, W., Lin, N., Nelson, C., & Tomita, K. (1970). "Information exchange associated with national scientific meetings in relation to the general process of communication in science.", JSAS Catalogue of Selected Documents in Psychology,

  • Nelson, C., & Pollock, D. (1970). "Communication Among Scientists and Engineers.", D. C. Heath

  • 1968

  • Lin, N., & Nelson, C. (1968). "Bibliographic reference patterns in core sociology journals, 1965-1966", American Sociologist p.47-50

  • Nelson, C. (1968). "Anchoring to accepted values as a technique for immunizing beliefs against persuasion", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology p.329-334

  • Rosenberg, S., Nelson, C., & Vivekananthan, P. (1968). "A Multidimensional Approach to the Structure of Personality Impressions.", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology p.283-294

  • 1964

  • Banta, T., & Nelson, C. (1964). "Experimental analysis of resource location in problem solving groups", Sociometry p.488-501